Tuesday, April 04, 2006

living on the edge?

So apparently wearing skirts is dangerous, or so I've been told. It has been firmly suggested to me that my skirts are a 'safety issue' and I ought to wear pants to work. At said job I open and close and lock and unlock the back door, carry boxes across a distance of about 8 feet, unpack boxes, scan books, and sort books onto various carts, and, oh yes, I take out the trash. I would like to take this moment to point out a bit of logic which seems to be frequently overlooked by so-called practically minded people: For thousands of years men and women worked - hunted, built, cooked, farmed, fought, rode, climbed, ran; lived in skirts before the invention of trousers. Therefore it is really quite silly for people to believe that it is so impossible and dangerous (or so very impractical) to perform such tasks in skirts nowadays. Being most adamently myself I have, of course, continued to wear my long skirts to work. Perhaps I am flirting with disaster...but I highly doubt it.


luminarumbra said...

The lady who works in recieving at my store wears skirts all the time. Heck, I even wear skirts at work, and I come in second on the list for Person Who Moves Around The Most Stuff In Recieving. Not once has someone told either of us that they are a hazard.

Granted, the vast majority of our staff is female.

However, if we can get away with it, neither of us wear heels, as those are a hazard on the job

lasselanta said...

hey Andrea! I have a couple days of internet access and decided to check your blog. Couldn't pass up the opportunity to identify myself as another one of these risk-takers who flirts daily with disaster. :-) I hope you and your colleagues manage to come to an understanding on this issue...

aelthwyn said...

Hey! I'm glad you 'dropped by' so to speak =)