Saturday, June 14, 2008


mmm....what were those thoughts? I know I had some.......


Robert said...

Ugh, that sounds like me after a horrible afternoon nap yesterday.

I was even in the shower 20 min after waking up - and the shower OUGHT to revivify oneself, right? - and (I'm not sure why) this fragment of thought I'd had earlier in the day popped into my head, about "that weird Hamlet guy?" And I'm totally confused, because why would I possibly have thought anything about ANY kind of Hamlet guy?! I'm like, did I have a weird dream I can't remember... and trying to break through the mental fog and remember... and a few minutes later I finally remember that was just a line of dialogue from the book I started shortly prior to the nap (Blood Rites, Jim Butcher, Dresden Files #6) - a line that totally made sense in context! But wow was my brain scrambled at the time!

aelthwyn said...

heh, yeah, there's nothing like a good deep sleep to scramble the brain =)