Sunday, February 15, 2009

Contemplations on a Theme of Science Fiction

I find it interesting that while our culture loves the idea of man ever bettering himself, of evolving to greater hights; the message that man has great potential which he is only just beginning to realise, very few people seem to be truely motivated by this idea.

Instead, by all appearances, the majority of people seem most content to be diverted from bordom by outside forces and thus bide their time in relative comfort and ignorance untill death.

Was this always so? Who is to say? For it seems only natural that we should hear of and have passed down to us the fruits of those who did not simply bide their time.

Today it seems that a mythical race called the 'Professionals' are expected to do all the great things, while everone else sits back and watches, never thinking they actually could be one of them.

If this idea of realising potential was truely a common value, then would not more people be ernestly seeking the improvement of themselves? Seeking to become more knowledgeable, more capable, more productive, more admirable?? It would seem that in many cases money and comfort are what is most sought after, not making the most of one's potential.

Perhaps this idea of man's potential is so apatizing because of a half realised feeling that we are not living up to it, or even as a way of comforting uneasiness with our intertia by saying 'but we have come so far already'.

I wonder if, when a person's world was smaller, when one didn't see himself as lost amongst the masses of people out there, it was perhaps just a little harder to put off one's own capbilities for another theoretical person out there to pick up the slack? I wonder if the very things which have brought about the idea of being a global society and thinking about mankind as a whole have allowed more individual worlds to be created.

Is the world big enough out there without you?

Or is the world so small that nothing matters more than dinner in 5 secconds so you don't miss the next program on the telly?

Where is the desire to learn? to create? to discover? to mature? to grow wise? to earn respect?
Where is the desire to experience? to LIVE!!!

(Disclaimer: I am no one to talk, indeed.
....perhaps more than some, but certainly much less than some. But it is a thought, and regretably it may turn out to be less unsettling than it should. Still..there it is.)

Sunday, February 08, 2009


take your focus and devote it completely to another
take your time and wait for someone
take your plans and form them with someone else's intrests in mind
take your money and spend it on someone else's desires
take your esteem and build up someone else's self-worth
take your knowledge and help someone else become competant
take your arms and make someone else feel secure with them
take your words and speak kindly to someone
take your confidence and believe in someone else
take your trust and honor someone with it
take your feelings and experience someone else's with them
take your reasoning and try to understand another's point of view
take your thoughts and focus them on the good things about someone
take your effort and apply it toward the well being of another
take your enthusiasm and draw another into joy
take your hand and hold someone else's
take your face and smile at someone
take your feet and go with someone

take your life and Love one another