Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Scarborogh Faire

I went through the spice rack today and reorganised that cupboard. Naturally I was distracted by smelling all the spices I had taken out. Some of my favorites were Marjoram, Anise, Nutmeg, Basil, Rosemary, and Cloves. I really liked one that was an Italien blend, which contained several of the ones I’ve mentioned already along with Thyme, which I discovered we did not have so I didn’t get to smell it by itself, but I guess that I would like it. That got me thinking about other smells that I really like. Star Jasmine has got to be one of my very favorites. I also like leather, Pine (Christmas Tree), Vanilla, and many others that don’t really have names. I reallly like the clean smell of plain soap - forget all those scented ones! And the warm clean smell of laundry is so nice and fuzzy, almost like smelling a hug instead of feeling one.

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