Sunday, December 17, 2006

brownie darts

I got shot by one today in my own kitchen. I don't know where they're lurking around here, but I've suspected their presence for a long time.
I was just making some tea, minding my own business....I switched off the heat, turned around to reach for the tea container and the next thing I know my thumb is stinging for no apparent reason, till I look at it and see this little black sliver-like thing protruding from the center of it. I was not touching anything, let alone any wood so there's no way I could have gotten a splinter. Seriously, where did that come from!
so you have it, the only answer: brownie darts.

Friday, December 15, 2006

broken reccord

I love to sing, and when I'm alone I will often sing on and on without even really thinking about it, so much that I wear myself out and start to find myself annoying. One of the most vexing things is that my brain seems to get stuck on just a few tunes. And it's not like it's one tune for a while and then another one, and so's the same tunes for years and years. I wouldn't know the statistics but it's a good bet when I open my mouth one of about three tunes will pop out: Think of Me, and Angel of Music from Phantom of the Opera, or Greensleves/What Child is this. Sometimes I think I would punch myself in the mouth if it were possible when one of those insists on blocking all other tunes from my mind. I'll stand there wanting to sing but not being able to make a peep unless it's one of those three, yet again. Or I'll suddenly find myself singing one of them for the 10th time that day and get the urge to just let out a blood curdling scream. I actually really like all those tunes, and I do enjoy singing them, just not over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over......

Monday, December 11, 2006

Life is Good

There are few things that make life beautifull like music.
I wish I could share all the songs I love with you, but of course what is beautifull to one isn’t always to another.
so go listen to your favorite song, and enjoy this glorious moment with me =)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

you know you're reading too much manga...

Originally uploaded by aelthwyn.
"Customer Order: Name, No"
....when that looks like a real name.

....and then you draw a comic about your linguistically rewired brain malfucntions because you're having trouble thinking in prose. - I won't be starting my own web-comic, heh, but I captured the sequence pretty well. You'll have to view the pic in full size to actually read it*

Nah-may sounds like kind of a cute name don't you think?

*for those non-manga readers, if I know any, you have to read right to left, top to bottom - starting on the righthand page.