"Customer Order: Name, No"
....when that looks like a real name.
....and then you draw a comic about your linguistically rewired brain malfucntions because you're having trouble thinking in prose. - I won't be starting my own web-comic, heh, but I captured the sequence pretty well. You'll have to view the pic in full size to actually read it*
Nah-may sounds like kind of a cute name don't you think?
*for those non-manga readers, if I know any, you have to read right to left, top to bottom - starting on the righthand page.
That is hilarious! I can just see it...
I knew my friends would get this! I love you linguistic people =) I'm sure we've all done stuff like this -- where you read regular words using some other phonetic system and it comes out all unrecognizable, he he
That is AWESOME! Your drawings of yourself are so cute. ::blink blink:: (= hehe.
You saw my blog post a long time back about me trying to decipher a certain Japanese symbol, right? I couldn't figure out what one of them was... until I figured out that it meant "eight," and then I realized it was just the symbol for eight, "8." It was in a weird font, but yikes...
gee thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it =)
yes I remember that one =) hehe
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