Wednesday, November 29, 2006

the grand scheme

"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"

So we had this mandatory morning meeting from HELL. Some block-head decided the way to boost moral and spread Christmas cheer and enthusiasm was to drag everyone out of their beds before 7AM on a Saterday and make them play dumb games with a very pop-quizzish slant to them. However, God is good, even if it's not always to me. As I left the house I came upon a little worm writhing on the already dry pavement with a few ants crawling on him.
'Never fear! I shall save thee little bug!'
I scooped him up on a leaf and put him down in the midst of nice moist soil he could snuggle down into. Yes, God even cares about little worms...enough to boot me out of bed snarling and hissing. So maybe, when you(or I) need someone, He'll boot somebody else out of bed too. Somehow, as horrible as that morning was, it was all worth it, because one life was saved, even if it was only a worm's. When things aren't going your way, when all your world looks grey, maybe this moment isn't about you, maybe it's about someone else, maybe it's about a little worm frying in the sun. I guess He really was doing something for me though, I don't regret that day afterall. heh.

ok that was really sappy, but...*shrug*


Rachel said...

Goodness, what kind of meeting was it? Sounds like a flashback to old dorm days...

luminarumbra said...

Loss Prevention Meetings! I loved those... especially when our inventory results came in and our store, which was considered "high shrink," had a lower shrink rate than all of the other stores in our region except one... well below our goal. And just insanely low in general.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've been reading Paladin of Souls... (=

Wait, *have* you read that one? I really really like it. (Uh, it's by Bujold.) I guess it's not particularly spoiling anything to tell you that the main character eventually meets someone whose prayers were screwing up her life, so to speak. It's a good book. Has some of the best theology for a fictional system with obvious flaws...

aelthwyn said...

I'm glad we didn't have to have loss prevention meetings! This was just a 'Christmas Meeting' and was supposed to be 'fun', make us feel more like a family or something like that. heh.

No I haven't read it yet, but it has been added to the endless list. =)
sounds fun