Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Fuzzy Dreams

I recently had a dream in which I found a little beetle sized bunny with pink irridescent wings scampering about in some clover. It was sooo cute! I took it home with me and fed it veggies and it grew up to be a normal sized bunny, all white and furry and cuddly - with pink shimmery wings.
Then I had another dream in which I was playing with a really fuzzy little animal that looked kind of like a cross between a penguine and a polar bear cub. It didn’t have a beak and it was fluffy but it was colored like a penguin and had flipper like wings. It was so cute how it waddled around on the snow drifts.
I guess I must have been feeling particularly snug and cuddly or something. =)
sigh, I like happy dreams.


the Walrus said...

You officially have the gamut of dreams...just glad to hear there were no bald heads involved in this one.

aelthwyn said...

don't remind me

aelthwyn said...

I had another fuzzy dream this week: I had taken the train to visit my grandpa, but when I got out they hadn't unloaded my luggage, so I had to go to this other train where the luggage was suppose to be, but the whole train was those large coal bin type cars filled with stuffed animals. I was digging through them looking for all my little fuzzy friends but wondering if they were the real ones, or clones. It was squishy and fun anyway. =)