Saturday, April 26, 2008

"A man drowned in his bed?! Impossible!"

I have no idea how much water I have consumed in the last 48 hours, but it is considerably more than the reccommended 8 cups a day. This past week or two I've been pleagued by some of the worst allergies I've ever experienced, aside from cats, and in fact woke up a couple nights ago thinking I was about to die being unable to breath, as though a hand were clenched round my lungs, and of course the glue-like masses clogging my throat and sinuses.

Then it struck me that perhaps what with all the dripping and blowing and sneezing I might be needing more water than normal, which might explain the putty like consistancy of all that gunk, so I made sure to drink whenever I felt dry...which was constantly. It seems to have made some difference! Perhaps it is actually washing away whatever allergines have been accumulating - if they do that, I don't know. But as I lay me down to sleep tonight I can't help thinking about that classic scene in Charade and wondering if I should die before I wake if they should rather say she hath imbibed too much, than it was the flowers that killed her.


Marcy said...

=) !!

Your title made me think of "It was on fire when I lay down on it."

But oh, I'm sorry your allergies have been so bad! :hug:

Markus Stratus said...

Did you know that millions of people in the world lack better health because they don't drink enough water? aye, it's a great thing to do that I could practice more often.

Markus Stratus said...

okay, this is really annoying... why is my name lastwear?

aelthwyn said...

hmmm yeah, I expect it's something that many people don't even really think about...and that others simply can't get =( I think that it's especially bad the way that sodas and other kinds of drinks have come to replace water so much in our's not good for us! at the end of highschool I just decided that drinking soda really wasn't worth it and started drinking water instead, and I really have noticed my health change for the better! =)