Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Mysterious Art of Flipping Eggs

is quite beyond me!
How on earth is one supposed to accomplish this magical feat?

(we're talking the over-easy/hard kind, you know, fried flat in a pan)
The thing could be swimming in butter but it still sticks to the spatula so I can't slide it all the way under!! If I try it just ends up wrinkling up and then bunching on the far side of the pan. I have to get three spatulas to even attempt the trick. I get one in under the edge and lift it up, then I slip another one under further and repeat. Then I try and remove the first one without tearing the egg and get it in from the other side. Then I have to juggle these three spatula handles that aren't all going the same direction and lift the whole awkward contraption and try to get it to flip over quickly without creating disater. Half the time the egg just folds over on itself and doesn't actually flip, or I break the yolk. bah! If only I didn't like eggs cooked this way so much! hehe

1 comment:

luminarumbra said...

It took me a while to figure out how to flip an egg in the pan without breaking the yoke or getting too much white stuck to the pan. Now, I drop the egg, continually prod at its edges while the white cooks, and wait until the white is fairly solid before even trying to flip it. I'm still not very good, but I manage to get them flipped and unbroken about half the time.