Wednesday, December 28, 2011

the things I think about

There was a fly on the window today, wandering about in a way that seemed to denote desperate confusion as to why it could see the light but couldn't fly any further. And this got me thinking of flat worlds and what the edges of them are like, and invisible force-fields. And then I got to thinking of philosophies fom the fly's perspective. Perhaps some would say that there is nothing beyond this house, and others will say there is, or even that they have been there, although everyone thinks they are crazy. And some theorize that what you see "through" the forcefield is actually just a picture visible on the forcefield. And then of course you have philosophers pondering why there would be pictures of things that appear to be beyond? Was it for hope, was it to make you think about things beyond your small place in the world, was it a nasty joke by a trickster god? And the conspiracy theorists who say that it's all part of an experiment made by giant aliens to study the psychological effect on little creatures of seeing somewhere you cannot get to. And still others say to just come away from the walls and stop bothering about it because what does it matter anyways when there is life to be lived in here.

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