Saturday, October 30, 2010


Yes, I like them. Very much actually. I think a big reason why this is is that I rarely read to find out what happened. Well, yes I do, of course I want to know what happens, but that is not why I stick with a book, or why I pick it up in the first place. What I want, what I enjoy is the execution, the description, details, world, development, the immages conjured in my mind, the use of words. That is why I Like a book. I actually do not like reading to find out what happens. I hate it when things are too tense that I rush past the words to get to the climax. When it's like that the reading is no longer fun. It is annoyingly compulsive, but not fun. Thus I like knowing the basics of what is going to happen and how things are going to turn out. Then I don't have to have indigestion from unessessary stress over a book while reading it and am instead free to enjoy the author's turn of phrase and way of going about unfolding the characters, world, and plot. I don't really enjoy wondering what will happen, but I do enjoy wondering how the author is going to bring it all together and make it happen, just so long as I'm assured of the right outcome. Then seeing all the twists and turns that will somehow lead to that point is quite entertaining.

I have to be pretty certain things are going to turn out the way I want them to before I'll invest my time, attention, and emotional energy into a book. I really hate putting so much into reading something, liking the characters, world, or writing style and then not liking how it ends. That is incredibly annoying and makes me very sad and bitter. Therefore, I like spoilers. They make reading ever so much more fun for me.

1 comment:

Markus Stratus said...

I'll be sure to keep this in mind if I've read a book and you haven't... or anything for that manner.