Wednesday, November 03, 2010

good chocolate

Earlier today I ate part of a good chocolate bar, you know, a fancy expensive one with dark chocolate. It was lovely, and it felt good. Then later I ate part of one of those regular candy bars like you can get anywhere and I felt so gross afterwards. It really makes a difference. While good chocolate may still not be health food, it's certainly not as junky feeling as the common stuff.

This Halloween I was reminded of childhood and how I used to be able to eat so much candy. I've never been able to eat as much all at once as many of my friends were, and I would save and stretch out my candy for months waiting to enjoy it at just the right moment rather than simply filling up on it, however, I've definately felt a switch as I got older where now I tend to feel sugarsick a lot sooner. I remmeber all kinds of candies I used to like and now they sound repulsive! All those sugar-coated jelly ones? Jolly Ranchers? Tootsie Pops? Blech!

Chocolate candies seem to be just about the only thing I can handle these days, the plain sugar hard or chewy candies all seem sickening. Now, Caramel and Toffeee are still good. Nuts are nice in candy as well. As for chocolate, I really love it, but it's really only the dark chocoalte I like, and the more expensive fancy chocolates are almost always much better than the regular kinds like hershey's. Milk chocolate, and white chocolate make me feel sick.

I do like Sees a lot, even though their actual chocolate is only so-so. A lot of their fillings are very nice, and their pieces are good sizes for a bite or two. I don't tend to just eat a whole box at once like some people, and find the small portions a lot better than something like a normal candy bar. A lot of times I feel obligated to finish a whole candy bar just so that it doesn't sit around open being messy and drooling caramel on my desk. Sees is much neater :)


Marcy said...

Actually, good chocolate has a lot of antioxidants, so if they don't add a bunch of sugar and other crap and it's eaten sparingly -- it kind of is health food. It's in my 12 Best Foods cookbook.

aelthwyn said...

cool! I think I'd heard something like that too. I definately enjoy the dark chocolate a lot better!

Markus Stratus said...

I think it's the difference between having mostly chocolate and then adding a touch of sugar, milk and a couple other things to enhance it verses having sugar and a bunch of other things with a little bit of chocolate just so they can label it as being chocolate.