Friday, January 25, 2008

do-do-do-do *twilight zone theme plays* ;)

I was laying here after a nap in the usual drugged stupor when it suddenly struck me with new force just how disgusting the whole harry potter fiasco is. Betryed! we've been betrayed! It's not even like the feeling you get about a lot of TV shows: it had a good run, but by the end it had turned into an unrecognizeable cheese monster. No, the story wasn't over and done, the characters weren't gradually weeded out and replaced by fresh meat. No this was a Twilight Zone nightmare that we'll never wake up out of. We were suddenly and visciously betrayed in the middle of the story arc. The characters were mutilated beyond recognition. The plot took a dive and circled the drain. We were thrust into some alternate universe where everything that had captured us about the books was gone: the charming atmosphere dashed to pieces with a sledge hammer, the loveable characters exchanged for their 'evil twins', our questions and hopes forsaken, ignored, denied, our respect for the intricately thought out details who's relevance we only discovered later in the game replaced by cheesy notes that jump out and say 'Watch me I'm goingto be important!'


Marcy said...

I don't agree at all. But you probably know that.

Marcy said...

Oh, I should add... but I'm sorry it's that way for you! That really sucks!

luminarumbra said...

Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with Marcy on this one.

aelthwyn said...

bah! and humbug! and.....
are you INSANE! yes, yes, preacious they all are, just like her, mad! bonkers! cracked!

oh wait, ehem. I cordially accept your sympathy, but I maintain that anyone who enjoyed that sacrilege must be totally daft.