Monday, January 14, 2008

i wish you wouldn't tell me about it, you have this way of making everything sound reasonable and then rooms begin to burn......

it's crazy how reasonable things can sound. like that staying up to finnish this will give you enough of a feeling of satisfaction that a little less sleep will be worth it, it'll be ok. Or how just five more minutes with your face planted in the pillow will be just fine and you'll be able to make it to work on time anyway....I wonder where that deluded little voice comes from, really. That whole cartoon thing about having a little devil and a little angel on your shoulder doesn't feel so far off. not that I'd necessarily call either one a devil or an angel, frequently the crazy talk of your inner mind has nothing to do with moral choices, just matters of practicality. Something sounds great, untill you see how much you'll have to put yourself through to compensate.....maybe you really would have rather done the other option, but for some reason at the time it's little voice wasn't piping up so you got a warped set of pros and cons coming at you. (or maybe there really isn't a 'better' choice it just looks that way from either side) heh....well I guess I'm choosing hell tomorrow morning, seeing as I'm typing to you right now. Ya gotta hand it to those little voices, somehow they always manage to squeeze just enough hope past your memory of past experiences to make it seem like it'll work better this time. sigh......

1 comment:

Marcy said...

I think the author of a book I'm reading right now would probably say that's because your feeling brain is stronger than your thinking brain, and when you really want something what you think you should do isn't going to matter a whole lot. The strategy is to change your feeling brain, which it seems one can do by repeatedly asking yourself certain questions -- how do I feel, are my expectations realistic...