Thursday, September 15, 2005


I really like cheese. There are so many different wonderfull kinds of cheese. Blue cheese drdessing was for a long time the only dressing I liked at all. It is best when it has big chunks of real blue cheese in it - Disneyland has good blue cheese, it makes me not even care if half my salad is composed of that nasty bitter white lettuce - it’s just a bit of crunchiness with my blue cheese. Another one of me favorite cheeses is Irish - at Stater Brother’s they call it Dubliner cheese and soemtimes have it in the special deli cheese section. When I first had it in Ireland they said it was regular cheddar and I was very confused because I always thought cheddar was orange and kind of waxy in texture, yet this was white and somewhat dry and crumbly with little crunchy salt flecks. I think it is actually made from goat’s milk, but I don’t know for sure. I like swiss cheese when it is cold, but not so much when it is melted, I’m not sure why. Provalone is very nice on sandwiches. I also like a lot of the softer cheeses that they will often put on salads at nice restaraunts like Feta or Gorgonzola. Sting cheese tastes best, I think, when eaten in very thin strings. I just don’t understand people who will eat it without peeling it apart, it tastes kind of strange that way for some reason.
I always like LOTS of cheese, except on quesedillas. For some reason I just don’t like thick quesedillas, they seem too rubbery to me, I like them thin and crispy, or the way Del Taco makes them which is thin and stringy. I’m not quite sure what kind of cheese they use, it doesn’t seem like normal cheese you buy from the store and grate up, it has a different consistancy, a bit more oily unfortuneately, but very satisfyingly soft and stringy. Taco Bell, on the other hand, does not make very good quesadillas - well, they do make them crunchy wich is good, however they don’t melt the cheese anymore. I think part of it is because for some unknown reason they switched to wide grated chees rather than thin grated cheese which means it doesn’t melt as easily. It also, unfortuneatley, has a way of reminding me of little white grubs all smashed together - ugh! I am very sore about the change in grating-size because I used to really like Taco Bell tacos, but now that the cheese never melts and has the wrong sort of consistancy they just don’t have the same charm. Hmm.. come to think of it I tend to like thinner grilled cheese sandwiches too for the same reasons, it should be crunchy not rubbery. On spaghetti, however, I like to have at least equal parts cheese to pasta. Since I don’t like tamato sauce I usually just put butter and a mountain of parmasagn cheese, though sometimes I get alfredo. My very favorite way to have it is the Mizithra cheese and browned butter at the Spaghetti factory. Pizza should always have much more cheese than it has sauce. It’s just nasty when it looks like it’s bleeding because the sauce is all squeezing out from between the sparce cheese -eeew! I remember long ago what was possibly the best pizza I ever had. It had soo much cheese, and the cheese was so thick and stringy that I had taken my piece and pulled it away but the cheese stayed attached and just kept stretching and stretching, but it never looked as though there was any less on the rest of the pizza. I tried to brreak it, but it wouldnt’ break, so I thought I’d bite it - I stuck part of the long string in my mouth and chewed, it didn’t completely separate, so I kept eating it, and it kept stretching and soon I and a very long string from the pizza to my peice taking a detour down my throught - yes it does sound kind of gross when you think about it, but I just remember it being really amazingly cheesy pizza - the best one I ever had. One of my favorite ways to eat cheese is with Tea. I found that I really like the flavor of eating cheddar with breakfast tea, I’m not sure why they taste so good together, I wouldn’t have expected it, but they really do. I also like to just fry up grated cheddar all by itself. At one point I had it perfected, but then I didnt’ do ti for a while and now I usually can’t get it to work right. I remember that I would put the grated cheese in the frying pan making sure it was allin one clump with no straggling peices because those woudl burn, and then I’d stick a cover over it and let it sizzle for a while, then when I felt the time was right I’d flip it and in the end it would make a lovely semi crispy semi chewy wafer of cheese - almost like cheese-it crackers only much better. Usually I would have to pat it between paper towels first to get rid of all the extra greese but recently I haven’t been able to get it crispy enough to not stick to the paper when I tried to absorb the greese, I’m not really sure why.


luminarumbra said...

I only like string cheese if it's in little strings, too. I didn't eat it for the longest time because I had eaten one piece not in strings and been quite disgusted.

aelthwyn said...

yeah, it's really yucky when it's been in a lunch too long and it's all hot... I didn't eat it for a while either. It seems some brands are better at stringing than others too.