One of my belifes about beauty has certainly been confirmed. There is beauty in movement. It is not just the forms and colors which make a thing beautifull, it’s motion itself can be beautifull, and that is a great deal of what makes the theatrical version of The Lion King beautifull. I went to see a production of this with some friends tonight (actually this was several months ago now). The style of costuming and sets which they used, that is the not realistic style, is usually not much to my taste and simply does not engage me. I tend not to follow a play as well and feel bored more often in such minimalist or abstract/impressionist productions, but this one, although it could not in fact be realistic, as people cannot take the shape or true movements of animals, it was definately very engaging and even beautifull in my estimation. I realised upon reflection that much of the beautty actually comes from the movement of the characters and dancers. When watching them one gets the impression that to move like that would feel beautifull. There was such grace as well as strength in the danceing, and the simple acting itself. I particularly loved watching the leaping gazells, though the lions’ movements ran a close seccond. Even the way the simple kite-like birds glided about was beautifull. The sunrise was perhaps the most glorious part aside from the motion, although the night sky filled with stars was also keenly beautifull, and I might add looked quite reaslistic. The more extensive use of singing in an african language - I don’t know which - was also one of the beauties of this production. Although in general I enjoy the soundtrack from the movie more for the grand orchestral sections, the african singing is moving in a way that cannot be captured by any instrument.
I found this verse very appropriate tonight :
The Heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speach,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard.
Their line has gone out through all the earth,
And their words to the end of the world.
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