Saturday, June 04, 2005


Wouldn’t it be wonderfull if it could rain without the sky being covered so the sun would sparkle in every drop, and all the wet earth would glisten, and you could enjoy both the sunlight and the feeling of rain all at once!
Have you ever just stood still and let rain pour down on you so you could experience the beautifull feeling of it? It’s rather like the touch equivelent of seeing something glimmering. Each cool drop is like a little sparkle against your skin. I love rain. It makes me smile, makes me want to go outside and enjoy it. Rain makes me cheerfull, not depressed and morbid. Why is it that people associate the sun with happiness and rain with sadness? Hot sunny days without a cloud in the sky make me want to hide inside away from the cruel rays that make me squint, give me headaches, burn my skin, and zap all my energy. (Don't ge me wrong here, I'm not a seccond Gollum shaking my fist at the sun; light is good, after all, green things have to have both sun and rain to grow) But when the day is dim and cloudy, cool and moist I can't resist going out to enjoy the refreshing air or revel in the rain!


Markus Stratus said...

One of my favorite things is seeing rain come down with blue skies and sun striking the drops. It works when the sun's not covered and in other parts of the sky rain clouds loom. It's happened here quite a few times. It even happened once when I was at the arboretum, walking amongst the towering redwoods. The sun was shinning through the trees and the rain was falling from the sky.

'twas wonderful

aelthwyn said...

=) indeed it must've been! sounds like such a lovely moment! ...I can remember a couple times in Minnesota when the rain clouds didn't completely cover the sky so we got som sun with rain ^.^ ..wish it happened here....