Tuesday, June 07, 2005

the early bird gets the....

...present? Apparently it rained the morning of my birthdy, so my mother says, and I missed it! A perfect birthday gift from heaven and I had to sleep through it. And to think if I had only stayed up a few more hours and finnished sewing my gift to myself (a beautifull silky robe, reversable with dark green on one side and gold enbroidered with chinese style 'celtic knot' emblems on the other) which I stopped working on at 4am, I could have had two lovely gifts to start the day, sigh...


Markus Stratus said...

have I seen this robe? *goes looking through your dA gallery*

aelthwyn said...

hehe nope it's not on there yet, hmm...I really do need to get around to getting pictures! It's only sort of visible in one of my pictures on myspace....but not enough to really give any idea of it. I really enjoy wearing it around the house, although it tends to get too warm...