I decided to post some things I wrote a while back, but I do not feel like going through them and changing all the time references like 'last night' and such, which really don't matter anyway because anyone who reads this probably won't be reding it directly after I post anyway. I'm not going to put them all up here at once, but I thought I ought to say that I am aware that Christmas wasn't a few weeks ago in May, and easter doesn't come in June. So you can just immagine you are reading some of these things several months ago.
Now, speaking of time travel... People have often told me I was born in the wrong century, and I think I would have to agree. I don't share most of the more current tastes and oppinions, although I'm sure I'm more a product of modern culture than I would like to believe. There are a few things I appreciate about living nowadays, some of which I could give up, and some of which perhaps I couldn't. I really do enjoy the variety of things available, we can benifit from the fashion, art, literature, and science from so many different times. I do like the relative freedom to be different in today's society, the more open-mindedness toward all the variety available to us. Of course there are many ways in which I can't be myself so much in this cultural setting which perhaps I could in another place and time. I think if time travel was a possibility I would definately want to visit medieval or renaissance Brittain, and I wouldn't put it past myself to choose to stay, but who knows. I really do enjoy email, and typing makes writing stories so much easier than dealing with thousands of scribbly hand-written papers. I could probably give up modern toilets and air-conditioning, sewing machines (though they do help satisfy my impatience with costume projects), light bulbs, ball point pens, TV, and gass stoves. But I think the thing I would miss the most in the past is the ability to just put in a CD and listen to whatever I want when I feel like it; to have music right in my own home, without having to hier a group of musicians to come sit in my livingroom.
hehe! I have been told I live in the wrong century so many times myself. However, I don't think so... it's not that the clothing I wear is actually medieval or renaissance like, but that people don't know any better. I consider my fashion to be amongst the most modern and up to date styles there are, it's just that alot of it, right now, is so heavily influenced by medieval and renaissance styles that it looks like I'm a reenacter. From my view point, I'm taking learning from the past and applying what I find most desirable to my clothing. Which is also why I have a great interest to learn about ancient clothing and clothing from places other then europe.
heh, yeah most people haven't got a clue what comes from what time....I wish I was even better with that myself! ^.^
It's fun to take inspiration from many different times and come up with something 'new'.
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